The carbon black has many great advantages, for example, high calorific value, low ash content, good absorption. It is worthy of wide application in our daily life. Carbon black is the second main products from tyre pyrolysis. There are some uses of carbon black.
1. Make Carbon Black Briquette
Normally, the carbon black from tire pyrolysis is powder. At this time, we can make it as carbon black briquettes, cement briquettes or tile briquettes. All of them have foundation function in our lives.
2. As the Reinforcing Agent of Rubber
This material is a good reinforcing agent of rubber or tyre. In this case, it is mainly used in three ways. Firstly, it is the necessary material when establishing highway or rubber runway. Secondly, when industries manufacture new rubber or tyre, it is essential. Thirdly, it also can be applied to make shoe sole.
3. Reprocessed to High-quality Carbon Black
While you wanna improve its economic value, try black carbon processing machine.
4. The Raw Materials of Printing Ink or Paint
Carbon black is always the top choice for pigment purpose. Because of some good features, it is widely used to make print ink and other plastic paint. In the past, it is used to adjust grey to deep black. At the present time, it has been adopted to more fields because of its tinting strength and viscosity.
5. Protection from UV Rays
Carbon black has an excellent effect on absorbing UV radiation. Accordingly, when made plastic film, cube or other products, industries prefer adding it. Moreover, it is helpful for adjusting flexibility performance.
Actually, there are more uses of carbon black in other fields. Beston would like to tell you more info. Just contact us right now.