Good news! A loyal customer in Bolivia cooperated with Beston again! This customer purchased another set of BTF4-4 egg tray machines from Beston again. He was reliable to Beston. He decided to choose Beston again. Beston tested and shipped the machine as scheduled. Please see this video about testing and delivery.
Delivery of BTF4-4 Beston Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Bolivia in 2022
Before delivery, Beston delivery department will check the packing situation and completeness of the machines. And Beston solution manager will help customers to solve delivery container problems. This time, Beston helped this customer to consolidate the egg tray machines with the other two manufacturers. This customer was satisfied with the final result.

BTF4-4 Beston Egg Tray Making Machine at Factory
This customer ordered this machine to make 30-hole egg trays. A part of the final egg trays is for sale. The other part of the egg trays is for use himself. Moreover, this customer ordered two sets of extra moulds. Please see the machines at the factory.

If you are interested in this model or other models, let Beston know. Beston Group will provide quality machines and a series of services to customers. This will make customers worry-free.