Tyre Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey

Due to black pollution (waste tyre), a Turkish customer ordered a BLJ-6 tyre pyrolysis plant from Beston. This machine has the function of converting tyre to oil. Besides, the customer can get some byproducts, like steel wire and carbon black.

It was the process of installation. Beston engineers possess years of experience and skills. With their assistant, the installation was smooth.

Tyre Pyrolysis Plant
Tyre Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey
Tire Pyrolysis Machine
Tire Pyrolysis Machine in Turkey
Tyre Pyrolysis Equipment in Turkey
Tyre Pyrolysis Equipment in Turkey

These are pictures about normal operation of tyre pyrolysis machine in Turkey.

Normal Operation of Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey
Operation of Tire Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey
Waste Tire Pyrolysis Machine
Waste Tire Pyrolysis Machine

Besides of tyre, the rubber waste and oil sludge can be handled by the same pyrolysis reactor. Accordingly, this project has multiple application.

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